Makibishi Comic
Web Browser Game
You will seek out 5 Robot Ninjas as Assassin Ninja to win the game by touching various items and places. The sooner completing all the stages, the higher score and the higher Ninja ranking you can get. Additionally, Treasure items that concealed in various places of each stage will make your score much higher. Do your best to be a top ranking Ninja of the world!
A group of 5 expert Robot Ninjas ,"Akanemaru", "Gamadayu", Mashira", "Mujina", and "Gesshin"got to know the important information that "Assassin Ninja" conceals himself in " Robot Ninja's hometown" to catch them. Robot Ninjas who scatter to various places in hometown to escape from Assassin Ninja hid themself own by using their special skill of Ninja in each space. Now the battle is started between Assassin Ninja and Robot Ninjas! Which ever will win?
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