Play to Befriend a Pokémon!
Web Browser Game

Play to Befriend a Pokémon! was a Flash game formerly available on Poké It was a Pokémon Global Link promotion. The goal is to break blocks with a bouncing ball, similar to Breakout. Players use the paddle to keep the ball from falling out of bounds. When the ball hits blocks consecutively, the score increases by 100 each hit. Sometimes when a block is hit, an orb of its color will fall. These orbs, when caught by the paddle, are worth 500 points each. There are 4 levels, and the player starts with 3 lives. They may earn more lives and power-ups later. After playing, the orbs caught, depending on what kind, can be used to redeem 1 free Pokémon via the Pokémon Dream World, provided the player is signed in under their Pokémon Trainer Club account. These Pokémon are Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, and Glaceon. The game was removed after May 19, 2011, and the .swf file for it was actually deleted from the site.
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