Browser Craft
Arx, After the Reckoning

Arx, After the Reckoning

Web Browser Game

Arx, After the Reckoning cover image
Release date: 12/31/2016 (8 years ago)

Arx is a game set in a low to mid-fantasy world, where magic is more legend and superstition than daily reality. The game itself is set in the capital city of the Compact, an alliance of the five Great Houses who hold sway over the continent of Arvum. The lands of Arvum are wild and sparsely settled, and away from the walls and settlements of the House-ruled fortifications there is great danger and mystery. Tribes of unaligned Abandoned (or shav'arvani) roam and raid the great forests and wildlands between the settled cities, and beyond the borders of the known lands even greater mysteries lie. RP focused.

For a thousand years since the Reckoning, the people of Arvum have mostly believed that the old legends were symbolic myths full of allegory and metaphor. Demons and elves, dragons and griffons, they were stories to entertain, or flowery ways to describe threats that could be understood- humans more barbaric than most, but humans all the same. Only now, a world that has been sleeping for a long time has begun to waken, and those old legends are coming to life. A handful begin to realize the truth. The ancient legends weren't forgotten- they were stolen. Stolen by dark forces that have been an implacable foe of mankind since the dawn of time, and one that delighted in wiping away evidence of its existence. Stolen so they might shackle humanity in a comforting dark cell of ignorance, where no truth might ever seep in. Stolen so each word of the story of the world could be dictated by a dark author. But as evidence begins to be discovered, as hints of magic are found and as not all proof can remain hidden, dread beings stir to keep their control over a world they believe they own. A world that they view as having no room for heroes and other fables.

    • Windows(2101)
    • Text(1139)
    • Mac(1035)
    • Multiplayer(899)
    • Linux(806)
    • Fantasy(802)
    • Role-playing (RPG)(558)
    • Massively Multiplayer Online(355)
    • Co-operative(278)
    • MUD(16)
    • Multi User Dungeon(15)

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