Des Visages, Des Fissures
Web Browser Game
It is a biographical top view game of the French metal band Desybes, based on a narrative puzzle, in a retro style. The player embodies Aëlice, a little girl plagued by night terrors who will have to survive and chain nightmare nights.
It's a top-down, retro-style narrative puzzle game. The player embodies Aëlice, a little girl plagued by night terrors who will have to survive and chain nightmare nights. Each level corresponds to a night of anguish and terror. This is the theme of the eponymous song, on our second album “Sermon d’Hypocrite”. You will have to solve puzzles and avoid deadly traps to find the exit door and attack a new night. Throughout the game, new mechanics will be implemented to explore five environments dear to the group. It's actually just a pretext to talk about Desybes, tell a few anecdotes, highlight other groups, structures and associations with whom we have had the chance to work and that we love. All in a humorous tone, without taking themselves seriously, with improbable cultural references and without really being scary (although sometimes, on a misunderstanding…). The game remains very accessible, even for non-players. Some puzzles may be more difficult to solve, and passages more technical to pass, but nothing insurmountable. We hope that people will go help each other on our social networks before embarking on speedrun challenges.
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