Magic & Legend: Time Knights
Web Browser Game
In Magic and Legend: Time Knights, players will follow the tale of the titular heroes as they travel through time to fight off malevolent invaders. Both Magic and Legend feature their own unique set of abilities, letting players experiment with the right tactics and get a feel of the playstyle that suits them best. Of course, in case they can't make up their minds (because both are equally fun to use), they can always switch between the two characters at any time on the fly. The game features 5 large sprawling levels over the time periods: - Level 1: The Journey Begins... (Present Day) - Level 2: Medieval Times - Level 3: Sengoku Period - Level 4: Ancient Rome - Level 5: The Crown Jewel Heist (60's London) For each level Magic and Legend have their own costumes and weapons and just for fun there are also 4 bonus levels. Lastly, to ensure the world is safe, the boys go up against a final boss who is hell bent on taking on taking out Magic & Legend so they can take the planet for themselves.
Magic & Legend are two kids who were playing in the park with their friends when suddenly... Aliens came down to earth, to take over the planet and drain its natural resources. To make it easier and avoid any technologies that humankind could use against them, they open a time portal and go into the past to take over the human race. Magic & Legend will not stand for this! After telling their Mom, they follow the aliens from the time portal to rid the planet of the aliens and ultimately save the world!
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